Creating Sweet Dreams with Your Cat
Cats have a reputation for being independent little explorers, often doing their own thing. But underneath all that independence, they can really thrive with a bit of routine, just like us! A bedtime routine can be particularly soothing, helping them drift off to dreamland and stay asleep until it's time to enjoy their breakfast come morning light.
Setting Up a Cozy Night Routine
Molly Kelsey, a delightful cat expert also known as The Cat Counsellor, shares on Instagram a heartwarming way to set a bedtime routine for your furry friend. Here’s how you can help your cat wind down for the night:
- Playtime Fun: Spend 10-15 minutes playing with your kitty using a toy that mimics how prey moves. It’s a fun workout for them! Start slowing things down about 30 minutes before bedtime to help them relax.
- Tasty Treats: Give your cat a little snack from their daily food allowance. You can make this fun by scattering it around for them to “hunt” or using an activity feeder. If your cat enjoys wet food, a textured mat works wonders. After all, cats like to have a little snooze post-hunt, just like in the wild.
- Sleepy Vibes: Dim the lights in their sleeping area and consider using sleep bulbs that block blue light. Create a peaceful atmosphere with a Feliway diffuser and some soothing cat music or gentle brown noise.
Why Cats Love Their Beauty Sleep
You might wonder why our whiskered companions love to nap so much. On average, cats enjoy about 15 hours of sleep a day. This can change based on their age and health. Cats are most active at sunrise and sunset – it's in their genes from their ancestors who hunted at those hours.
Even though they love their naps, they won’t miss the chance to enjoy your company during the day, so rest assured, they’re not snoozing all the time. Cats sleep for various reasons, like cooling off on warm days or staying cozy when it's cold and wet. It’s also a way for them to recharge. Curious about your kitty’s sleep positions? Check out these six adorable poses. If you ever feel your cat is sleeping too much, a quick chat with your vet will give you peace of mind.
A Call to Love
Take a moment to cherish the bond you share with your cat. If your home is yet to echo with the soft purrs of a feline friend, consider opening your heart to adopting one. They fill our lives with joy and companionship, and a little love goes a long way with them.